Sushi Cat
Virtuoso and dancefloor zealot Mihai Popoviciu is back with his first solo release on Still Hot.
Once again we get invited to his world of subtle and sophisticated sound design.
The name giving A-side ‚Sushi Cat‘ bursts with coolness and understatement. The airy beat and
cunningly arranged bassline build the foundation of this puristic groove monster.
‚Dub Hot‘ comes round the corner just as cool as its bigger brother but offers an almost
hypnotic lead sound that patiently floats through the panorama. Supported by an unobstrusive
but yet hunting tapestry of sound ‚Dubhot‘ quickly drifts off into darker realms.
We’re happy to welcome back Alex Flatner who flexed his muscles to give ‚Dub Hot‘ quite a
facelift as we know it from him. Flatner succeeds in taking ‚Dub Hot‘ in a rougher, more technoish direction with quite a massive portion of acid which enriches this great EP with even more artistic versatility and vigorous effect. With ‚Austral‘, a dreamy and once again super autonomous dancefloor beauty that will make you push the repeat button of your sound system immediately, Popoviciu closes this EP with pure class… as if we could have expected it otherwise from him. Spoilt by our Romanian producer production skills yet again we’ll close this press release by humbly saying ‚Thank you, Mihai!‘
Mihai Popoviciu – Sushi Cat (Original Mix) | 06:09 min. |
Mihai Popoviciu – Dub Hot (Original Mix) | 06:56 min. |
Mihai Popoviciu – Dub Hot (Alex Flatner remix) | 06:43 min |
Mihai Popoviciu – Austral (Original Mix) | 07:15 min |